Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Step 29: Dance Like No One Is Watching

Despite being rhythmically challenged, I love to dance. I dabbled in it as a child and later got a little more serious about it in college, until I was finally able to put my meager skills to use when I was cast in a local theater production of CATS in 2009.

Green top, can't stop.

I didn't (and still don't) have a great physique, nor did I have the long, elegant lines of a true dancer, but I always gave 110%. I loved and absorbed all the different facets that went into creating a moving piece of art--the music, the emotion, even the clothes I wore. Donning my dance tights, jazz shoes, and thigh-high leg warmers (which don't actually do anything but HEY they look cool) never failed to make me want to pop my leg up into an arabesque.

Can you guess which cat I am? I'll give you hint: I'm on the left. :P

In my book, Mohawk Girl is a former ballet dancer. It's not a big part of the story, and dancing is ultimately a source of great grief for her, but I thought it suited her. I imagined a lithe talent hidden behind a carefully-crafted, gruff exterior. And because I love dance and drawing beautiful women, I put two and two together:

If you haven't figured it out, I have an unhealthy obsession with the pen tool.

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