Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Step 14: Look Alive

And just like that, the tide has turned. I got a request for a full manuscript!


There's arguably more disappointment at stake when an agent has requested the full vs. a rejection based off the query letter alone. It's an easier pill to swallow knowing your query just needs a little retooling rather than there being something catastrophically wrong with your novel. I suppose that's simply the nature of the beast: high risk -> high reward, and all that jazz. But the agent who requested my full this time around actually worked for another agent who had passed after reading my full manuscript; I included  the feedback I got--even the part critiquing the narrative issues--in my query to this new agent, and they still showed interest in the full. I'm doing my best to temper my expectations, but it's something to look forward to!

Until they end up passing.  Then it's back to drowning all over again.

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