Friday, May 6, 2016

Step 16: Phone In A Title (Cause I Can't Think Of A Good One)

I went and saw Captain America: Civil War last night! As much as I'm a Cap fangirl (DID YOU SEE CHRIS EVANS' BICEPS???), it was Black Panther who stopped my heart as soon as he stepped onscreen:

Eat your heart out, Wolverine.

Truth be told, the movie had plot holes so big you could navigate a helicarrier through, but I was too busy being distracted by all the shiny footage and witty quips to give it much thought until after it was over. I wish I could have ignored the problems with The Force Awakens as much as I did with this film, because I left the theater feeling giddy and free of the fatigue I've been saddled with after watching approximately 49038409583 superhero movies.

The only part of TFA worth watching.

Moving on, I finishing up a new character design for my book this morning:

Project yourself onto her, ye who enter here.

Defining Lines is written in the first person, and told through the eyes of the character above. In a lot of ways, she represents a high school version of me; the book deals with some heavy themes, and I felt like the only way I could accurately portray the story is by how someone similar to me would react to it. She's friendly, if not a little self-absorbed in her own little world, and she's supposed to be somewhat of a diamond in the rough. I think I drew her a little too pretty for her ultimate transformation to carry weight, but I'll try harder next time.

Needs more glasses and frizzy hair.

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